This term, all of KS2 have been doing rounders as their PE unit. Rounders is always a fun one to teach, learn and play as we head into the summer. It is an activity that requires good catching and throwing skills, and understanding of the rules/ good team work. Year 3 and 4 have been focusing on throwing accurately and catching effectively in order to follow the rules of the game. They have done a lot of practice on underarm throwing and developing their awareness of recognising what spaces to be in when fielding. Year 5 and 6 have been developing the same skills, with a focus on fair play as well. In week 1, the majority of children found the game a bit too fast paced to keep up and understand the rules to gain advantage, however we have seen a massive progression in their understanding in week 6 with all children playing with a competitive edge and helping each other to do well.