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School News
Newsletter 15th Jan 2025
Hancock Trip
What a fantastic day w have had at the Hancock Museum! We learned all about Greek soldiers and even got a chance to try on parts of the uniform. We were really shocked at how heavy all the kit was. Next, we had a trip to the planetarium- linked to our Science topic:...
Life Skills- How Do You Look After a Pet?
Computing- Repetition in Shapes using Programming
Greek Coil Pots Lesson 1
Today was our first lesson of our art and design unit. We were very excited to jump straight into using clay! We explored a range of techniques in order to shape our clay. We used: rolling, pinching, pulling, smoothing, carving, squeezing to name a few. We also used...
A Very Special Visitor
Nursery Performance: Three Kings Came From Far Away
Our Special Visitor
Salt Dough Christmas Decorations
Class 3 Meeting Santa
Class 4 and 7 Meeting Santa
Our Jolly Trail
We helped the Jolly Postman deliver his letters this morning. We found letters and used clues to help us deliver the letters to the correct door. We even played some games along the way!
3/4L News
Tennis Tournament May 19
Some of our children took park in a tennis tournament last week and had a great time competing against other schools. As you can see from their faces they enjoyed themselves.
Tree Planting & Den Building at Gibside!
The children of Rowlands Gill Primary were invited to Gibside National Trust to take part in den building and tree planting activities. We started the morning by walking to Gibside with all the children from Year 3 & 4 along with many keen volunteers. We were...