by Mrs Stephenson | Feb 28, 2020 | 2S, History
In History, we have been researching the famous explorer Neil Armstrong. Our fact rockets are proudly displayed in our classroom so visitors can magpie our findings! Where would you like to explore?
by Mrs Stephenson | Feb 5, 2020 | 2S, Geography, News
We had lots of fun exploring our local area today. We looked at types of houses, services and spotted human and physical features. A very big thank you to our parent helpers for joining us, it was lovely to have you!
by Mrs Stephenson | Jan 27, 2020 | 2S, Maths, News
Today, we started working with coins. We were looking at different ways to make amounts and ordering them from greatest to smallest. We particularly enjoyed making ‘money men’ and seeing which person was worth the most! .
by Mrs Stephenson | Jan 23, 2020 | 2S, News, Science
This afternoon, we have been looking for mini-beasts in the eco-garden. We recorded our data in a table, ready to put into a graph tomorrow. Is that a lion lifting the log?
by Mrs Stephenson | Jan 22, 2020 | 2S, Maths, News
Welcome to our ‘pizza party’! We used our pizza cutter pens to split our whole pizzas into equal parts. As you can see, some of our pizzas were very tricky shapes. We worked hard to find ways to cut them so that everyone was happy with their slice!...