


Our new topic is measurement. Today, we had some time measuring things around the classroom- Miss Winskill's bump now requires two tape measures!

Fractions Pizza Party

Fractions Pizza Party

We had a pizza party today, which involved looking at different pizza shapes and investigating if they could be halved and how many ways we could half them. We also recognised that 2 quarters is equivalent to one half.



We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in Maths. We have enjoyed working practically throughout the unit by taking part in a shape hunt, then using lolly sticks and string to help us count sides and vertices of 2D shapes. We have used mirrors to find out if...



This week in Maths, we have been learning about division in. We know that to divide means to share into equal groups. We started by dividing bean bags into 2 equal groups and we recognised that this was the same as halving. We then went on to divide counters into 5...

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