What is cinnamon?
A question that was posed from one child to another when in the sand area was pouring sand down the cluttering in his play saying “I am adding cinnamon”. We were focusing on 10 in maths so we chose the price of 10p per slice of our homemade apple and cinnamon crumble...
Taller or shorter?
Following on from reading the story of ‘Superworm’ in choosing time the children made wands just like the evil lizard. We used our skills of measure and mathematical vocabulary to compare the wands to the size of the worms.
What time is it, 2S?
In Maths, we made our own clocks help us to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. We have used lots of key vocabulary in our lessons such as minute hand, hour hand, clockwise, minutes past and minutes to.
5,4,3,2,1 Blast Off 🚀
One of our nursery children was lucky enough to see a real rocket launch and shared it with us all on our online learning journal Tapestry. This inspired us to play all things rockets🚀 We listened to different stories including Roaring Rockets, Whatever Next...
Tens and ones
We looked at how many tens and ones in different numbers using part, part whole models to represent them. We used the terminology ‘partition’ to show how we found the tens and ones.
Times of the day
We worked hard to decide what times of the day different events happened, from the morning, afternoon and evening. We thought carefully about our life and used that to help us give reasons as to why we had placed events in each category.