Money Monday
Today, we started working with coins. We were looking at different ways to make amounts and ordering them from greatest to smallest. We particularly enjoyed making 'money men' and seeing which person was worth the most! .
Fun with Fractions!
Welcome to our 'pizza party'! We used our pizza cutter pens to split our whole pizzas into equal parts. As you can see, some of our pizzas were very tricky shapes. We worked hard to find ways to cut them so that everyone was happy with their slice!
Year 4/5B Crack Short Division!
After lots of hard work, Year 4/5 B are now confident using short division. Mrs Beattie and Mr Boddy are delighted!
Converting Fractions!
Today, we have been learning to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers. We used cubes to support our understanding and then related this to division. Please, ask your child to explain to you how to to do it!
Christmas Crafts in school
We have 2 craft mornings going ahead for parents/ carers to join in with the children to make decorations. The dates are Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th November. Please see the flyers below. EYFS Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6