No pen day 2023!
Year 4 really enjoyed 'no pen day!' In English, we had a spelling race then we described scenes from our class text. Each group stood at the front and described the scene using expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and the 5 senses. The rest of the class then held...
Nursery Rhyme Week 2023:Wheels on the Bus…
Today we sang the Wheels on the bus and chose different things and actions to go on the bus. We played with some jigsaws and added different people onto the bus. We have talked about when we have been on a journey on a bus or boat during group time. We looked through...
We undertook a shape hunt around school this week to see if we could identify any 2D or 3D shapes. We have also been learning about the properties of shapes and enjoyed creating our own with a parter, developing our problem solving skills.
Nursery Rhyme Week 2023: Row, Row, Row your Boat….
Today we learnt the song row row your boat. We talked about what objects could sink and float, then made boats using junk materials. Some children placed their boats in the water tray to see if they would sink or float. The children from Reception came to join us and...
Nursery Rhyme Week 2023: Hickory Dickory Dock…
First we listened to the rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock, and discussed what happened. Then the children made a big clock for a mouse to run up. Everyone took turns spinning the wheel then joining in singing the rhyme it stopped on. We then made lots of little mice in the...
We like to challenge ourselves
After our daily maths session we love to continue the learning whist we are in continuity’s provision. We have been representing different quantities and using STEM sentences. Can you guess how many one’s we need each time?