Our Red Kite - Arrow
Rowlands Gill Primary school is part of the ‘Befriend a Kite scheme’ on behalf of FoRK.
Please click the link below for more information on our Red Kite – Arrow!
Rowlands Gill – F9 Life History June 2018
FoRK have also managed to get a camera on one of our kite nests (Kite Cam) this spring and footage is available on our website www.friendsofredkites.org.uk go to the bottom of the menu list on the left and select ‘Video Footage’ which will show you short, edited clips. We are uploading highlights every few days with their latest activities.
They have also recently set up a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FoRKNorthEast/
Kite Updates:
BaK schools – kite updates – March 2018
BaK schools – kite updates – September 2018
FoRK Newsletter:
FoRK Newsletter Autumn 2018
FoRK Newsletter Winter 2018
We look forward to keeping our page updated with more information on not just Arrow but also the red kites around our area!