Design Technology
Salt Dough Christmas Decorations
Making Christmas Cookies with our Families
“Cook Little Pot Cook!”
We didn’t have a magic porridge put but we did have a microwave which we enjoyed discussing how it works and how we programme it to make delicious hot porridge. We then had our topping station where we could serve out our porridge. Did you know chocolate melts in hot...
Reception, I’ll blow your house down!
After the Big Bad Wolf delivered materials to our class for us to build houses, he forgot the sticks so we needed to go on a stick hunt of our own. We loved acting out the story of ‘TheThree Little Pigs’ and making houses of our own. The straw came in handy when we...
Me and My Big Wide World
As part of our topic of ‘Me and my big wide world’ this week we celebrated National Fitness Day. We started to look at how we take care of our bodies including talking about how we feel.
Robotics in Class 5
We have had a very exciting morning in Class 5. We are incredibly lucky to have an expert in, who showed us how to build and code our own robots. We used various components to build them and then used Scratch to complete the 'mission'. The excitement in the classroom...