School Uniform
We are very proud of the appearance of the children in Rowlands Gill Primary School. Our uniform is a symbol of belonging to Rowlands Gill and underlines the sense of community we seek to develop. The children should take pride in their appearance and present a positive image for their school. We ask for your support in this matter. On rare occasions we may need to talk to children and parents of our expectations with regard to dress.
School Uniform Orders
We are pleased to announce that our new uniform supplier is Logos Unlimited.
They are located at: Unit 1 Sands Industrial Estate, Swalwell, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE16 3DJ
For uniform details, pricing and ordering please click on the link below:
School Wear
- purple sweatshirt or sweatshirt cardigan (not knitted), preferably with school logo
- purple or white polo shirt, preferably with school logo
- grey school trousers or shorts (not black)
- grey skirt or grey pinafore dress (not leggings)
- purple checked dress (in warmer weather)
- grey, black or white socks, or grey, black or purple tights
- Sensible black shoes.
- We do not encourage children to wear trainers to school.
- We also ask for your support in controlling the size of heel as a matter of health and safety.
- Boots, or wellingtons, for the winter with a change of shoes for indoor use.
- When wearing PE uniform, the children should wear trainers or plimsoles.
PE Kit
Our PE uniform should be worn all day, two days per week, on the days when the child has PE and
consists of:
- plain white crew neck PE shirt (with or without school logo but no other logos)
- plain black hoodie (with or without school logo but no other logos)
- plain black PE shorts or plain black joggers or sports leggings (no logos)
- trainers or plimsoles (non-marking soles)
Please note, PE shirts, shorts, jumpers or joggers with other logos, such as those of well-known sports
brands, are NOT acceptable.
PE Safety
- Long hair must be tied back.
- The children are not allowed to wear rings or necklaces.
- Stud earrings must be taped or removed.
- When swimming the children must remove all jewellery including earrings.
School Bags
- Purple school reading book bags, or small school rucksacks.
Arts and Crafts
- When requested – please ensure that your child brings an old shirt to school for protection when taking part in Arts and Crafts activities.
Personal Belongings
- Children are expected to be responsible for their own belongings and look after them properly.
- Valuable items such as mobile phones, personal radio/stereos, computer games and toys are not allowed in school.
- On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery (other than earrings and watches) in our school.
- If a child wants to wear earrings, they must be small studs only and need to be removed or covered with plasters for PE lessons.
- Earrings must be removed for swimming lessons.
- A wrist watch can be worn but must be removed for PE.
- No responsibility can be accepted by the school for any jewellery lost on the premises
- Gateshead swimming baths do not allow children in the pool wearing earrings when taking part in school lessons.
- We do not allow children to wear make-up or nail varnish to school.
Parents seeking advice regarding this matter are welcome to contact school.
All items of clothing and other property should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property in school. We have a variety of pre-worn clothing available to parents for a small donation to school fund.