
Governor Policies

Please click on the link below to view our Governor Visits Policy:

Governor Pen Portraits

Graham Archer

Chair of the Governing Body

Rowlands Gill Primary is at the heart of the community that I live in with my family.  I am keen to help and bring my experience in business and law and know-how gained in governance in the charity sector to the school.  

Jill Chaplin

Co-opted Governor & Vice Chair

Nicola Kehoe

Co-opted Governor

I have been a co-opted Governor for Rowlands Gill Primary School for many years.  I have 2 children, Hannah and Matthew who both attended this school. I am the manager of Rowlands Gill Under Fives (the Playgroup based within the school) and Funky Monkeys our Breakfast and Afterschool Club. I sit on the resources and the Curriculum committee within the governor team and also am part of the safeguarding and health & safety team.  I am very interested in the future of the school and its pupils not only because my own children attended this school but am privileged to see many of the pupils grow from age 2 in our Playgroup the way through school to year 6.

Alice Gair

Parent Governor

David Cuthbertson

Parent Governor

Joanne Hayden

Co-opted Governor

Debbie Bilclough

Co-opted Governor

Alex Perkins

Co-opted Governor

Ruth Hallatt

Co-opted Governor

Jamie Park

Local Authority Governor

Emily Mobberely

Staff Governor

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