
If you would like to know more about our curriculum please use the following links


Reception long term plan

Reception curriculum plan

Nursery long term plan

Nursery curriculum plan

Curriculum by Subject Page

Curriculum by Class Page

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Curriculum Statement

At Rowlands Gill Primary School, we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school.

The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education and their future lives.  We want our children to understand their place in our community and their role in wider society.  Our curriculum ensures that academic success, creativity and problem solving, reliability, responsibility and resilience are nurtured. As well as physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements of our school and our curriculum that support the development of the whole child and promote a positive attitude to learning.

The National Curriculum requirements and skills identified by the school are mapped out across the key phases for each subject, then individual teachers plan and deliver the curriculum for their pupils accordingly. The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s Core Values (honesty, kindness, understanding, respect and self-belief) and these are taught on their own and through other areas of the curriculum, including assemblies. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum.

In all areas of our curriculum, we adopt an inclusive approach to ensure that we give every child the opportunity to access all learning opportunities.  In keeping with our commitment to provide every child with a rich and varied curriculum, staff plan collaboratively to offer learning experiences which involve written, practical and outdoor elements, as well as the opportunity to engage with visitors and new contexts both in and out of school.

In order to do this, a clear and detailed understanding of the needs of individual pupils is essential and this is something we endeavour to have when planning any units of work.  To support us in this, we have very strong links with all strands of Gateshead LA’s SEND Team and we also liaise closely with NHS services such as OT, CYPS, RISE and Speech & Language.

Where we have any concerns about how we can make our offer accessible to all pupils, staff are proactive in liaising with the SENDCo, SLT and previous teachers to overcome any potential barriers or, where this may not be possible, to amend our offer so that it becomes accessible to all without reducing quality, challenge or depth.


Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the English curriculum is taught using songs, rhymes and texts, developing children’s speaking, listening and writing skills through imitation, innovation and independence.

In Key Stages One and Two, succinct units of work are planned and delivered using either a quality text or a short animation as a stimulus for the unit. Each unit consists of two, two-to-four-week writing cycles which result in a fiction and non-fiction writing outcome per stimulus. The cycles are taught through reading and analysis of texts or videos; identifying and practising writing skills in context; planning extended writing; writing extended pieces; and editing and/or redrafting of writing outcomes. 

Alongside the planned English units, GAP Buster (Grammar & Punctuation) and Spelling sessions are taught daily. GAP Busters consist of short sessions looking at one aspect of Grammar or Punctuation (appropriate to the curriculum) in isolation. Spellings are taught in groups of four-to-eight-word spelling lists, in accordance with our Spelling Learning Sequences which have been developed to address all spelling patterns and word lists for each year group as determined by the National Curriculum. 

Handwriting is taught across school using the Letterjoin scheme of work to ensure that children can form letters accurately and uniformly before developing the skills needed to write in a joined-up, cursive script.

From Early Years and into Key Stage One, children develop their phonic knowledge through the Read Write Inc. (RWI) programme and develop their fluency in reading through daily reading opportunities.  In Nursery, children develop the pre-phonics skills that they will need to access RWI, when ready.

Children in Key Stage One have regular 1:1 reading support from volunteers and staff, a group guided reading session each week, as well as regular practise at home.  Daily ‘Reading for Pleasure’ sessions led by the class teacher, ensure appropriate teaching of comprehension.  When appropriate, in Year 2, the class may move on to whole class reading sessions. 

Within Key Stage Two, we have daily whole class reading sessions which focus on reading fluency, enjoyment, vocabulary extension and comprehension activities to embed the skills of reading. This is supplemented by 1:1 reading practise, additional phonics intervention or group guided reading sessions where needed.  Children in Upper Key Stage 2 access Reading Plus, an online reading programme.


Our Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Maths curriculum had been mapped out using the ‘Gateshead Curriculum’, in a spiral approach allowing children to revisit content throughout the academic year. This approach is mirrored in the Early Years Foundation Stage allowing children to make links in their learning throughout the daily routine, small group activities and continuous provision. Staff use their knowledge of the curriculum and the children, drawing upon a range of mathematical resources, to deliver high quality lessons for all. Providing the spiral approach curriculum allows children to build on prior knowledge enabling them to deepen their understanding when engaging in reasoning and problem solving activities and questions. Concrete resources are used to allow all children to flourish before moving on to more abstract representations.  Children from Nursery to Year 6 are constantly encouraged to use mathematical vocabulary to explain their thinking process and learning. Timetable rockstars supplements class teaching ready for the times table check, which is assessed in Year 4, as well as supporting fluency.



English and Maths are assessed using GAP (Gateshead Assessment Profile) statements as a basis to ensure coverage and progression throughout the school. The more-able are challenged further in their learning and children who find aspects of their learning more difficult are appropriately supported so that they too are enabled to experience success.  Targeted interventions are planned for and delivered by experienced class teachers, HLTAs or Level 3 TAs in all classes across the school.


Wider Curriculum

For Science and Foundation subjects we have carefully planned for the long term and medium term to ensure that skills and knowledge are progressive and can be built upon.  Our units have an overall theme or topic for a specified period of time. Subjects are taught discretely but where logical and meaningful links between subjects or themes can be made, teachers use a more joined-up approach, while still ensuring that subjects are taught in their own right. 

Theme weeks, whole school activities, Forest School and opportunities within and outside school all enrich and develop the children’s learning. After school clubs and events extend these opportunities further. The outdoor environment and the local community are ideal opportunities for active learning for all our pupils.

Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based performances, competitions and events involving other schools. Developing their independence and motivation as learners and their sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning.




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