Team RGPS!
The RGPS Football team attended the first round of their tournament yesterday, where they played two games. They scored 1-1 on their first match and then by the second match won 2-0. We were over the moon with the results (as you can tell by their faces). The team...
Snip, Snip, Snip…
We have been practising using scissors and developing cutting skills snipping different materials. The straws were great fun and kept popping off as we snipped.
International Walk to School Month
As part of our school initiative to encourage children and families becoming more healthy, the children are logging their journey to school on their daily WOW tracker. If they travel actively (walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride) to or from school at least...
National Fitness Day
To celebrate National Fitness Day, Class 5 have been keeping active and having a 'brain break'. The children completed a 20 minute, full-body workout and discussed the importance of keeping active- both for mental and physical well-being. Well done Class 5!
Me and My World “Fitness Day”
As part of our topic of ‘Me and my world’ this week we celebrated National Fitness Day. We started to look at how we take care of our bodies including talking about how we feel, brushing our teeth and eating healthy.
Sports Day WIN for Yellow!
Following an amazing sports day on Friday, the yellow captain and vice captain proudly collected the trophy on behalf of their team- well done! The yellow team will be receiving a forest afternoon as their well-deserved reward.