Remote Learning
This page details everything you need to know about how we would continue learning during an emergency school closure.
Remote Learning Policy and Plan (currently under review) Remote Education Policy and Plan Oct 2020 updated 15.2.21
Supporting your children’s remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and support for parents and carers of children who are learning at home.
E- Safety
Watch this video to help you to guide your child through working online.
Live Lesson Calendar
In the event of closure, this calendar will identify live lessons that are planned. To be able to access the live lessons, your child will need to have their log in for Google Education or Seesaw account.
Google Classroom at home
Remember for android and apple devices you will need to download Google Classroom, Meet, Slides, Docs and forms. Android and Ipad videos can be used for support on an iphone or android phone.
Here are three videos to help you access Google Classroom at home. Choose your device and watch that video.
Google Classroom on an ipad from Una Mitchell on Vimeo.
Google Meet
Please watch the video to the right to see how to navigate Google Meet during live lessons.
Google Meet Navigation from Una Mitchell on Vimeo.
Kami Assignments
Handing in Kami Assignments in Google Classroom
Seesaw at home
Please watch this video to help you login to Seesaw and navigate the app.
login for pupils for seesaw from Una Mitchell on Vimeo.