What happens when it is cold?
Reception investigated freezing and melting by making their own ice lollies!
Hancock Trip
What a fantastic day w have had at the Hancock Museum! We learned all about Greek soldiers and even got a chance to try on parts of the uniform. We were really shocked at how heavy all the kit was. Next, we had a trip to the planetarium- linked to our Science topic:...
Net Zero Workshop
Why is it important to wash our hands?
We experimented with glitter to find the best way to wash our hands. We know that using soap and water is the most effective way to keep our hands clean and reduce the spread of germs.
Thermal Insulators
On Friday, Class 5 set up an experiment to test how effective a range of everyday materials were at insulating. We used materials such as tinfoil, cling film and fabric to try and stop ice cubes from melting. The children considered how to ensure they conducted a fair...
Exploring Light and Dark
As the days are getting a little darker, we got out the torches and made some dark dens to see how the light shone on different surfaces.