by Mrs Stephenson | Feb 4, 2022 | 6A, 6D, Computing, e-Safety, News, PSHE, Safeguarding
In PHSE we have been talking about staying safe online. We discussed many different scenarios and learned what we should do if we encountered a situation like this.
by Mrs Rowell | Jan 11, 2022 | Children, Computing, e-Safety, Letters to Parents, News, Online Safety, Parents, PSHE, Safeguarding, Well-being
Guidance for parents and carers on online sexual harassment and keeping children safe online. The Children’s Commissioner is launching a guide for parents and carers on online sexual harassment and how they can support children to stay safe online. The guide will...
by Mrs Mobberley | Dec 17, 2021 | 5A, Computing, News
We finished our Crumbles project in the last week of term and – as you can see in the photos below – we designed routes for our vehicles to follow and then created the correct programme to make the vehicles follow the route. It was very tough and we had...
by Miss Salloway | Dec 13, 2021 | 2S, Computing, News
This half term we have been programming floor robots to move forwards and backwards and turn left and right. Today, we used our skills to direct the robots around a map to our chosen finishing point. We planned our routes first and then tested them out. We debugged...
by Mrs Mobberley | Nov 30, 2021 | 5A, Computing
We’ve been working hard to get our Crumble vehicles – our Crumble-mobiles! – to move in the directions we want them to. This hasn’t been easy – we’ve had wheels that needed to go in different directions because the motors were...
by Mrs Stephenson | Nov 30, 2021 | 6A, 6D, Computing, News
Today we have been learning to programme a turning sequence on our crumbles. We managed to make the crumbles move forward and back. However, crumbles do not have a right and left function so we had to problem solve in order to achieve this. We discovered that in order...