This policy aims to provide all members of staff (paid and unpaid), children and young people, and their families with a clear and secure framework for ensuring that all children in the school are protected from harm, both while at school and when off the schools premises.

The actions we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm are everyone’s responsibility. All staff and volunteers involved with children have a responsibility to be mindful of issues related to their safety and welfare and a duty to report any concerns.

All staff will work to ensure that:

  • Children and young people feel listened to, valued and respected.
  • Staff are aware of indicators of abuse and know how to share their concerns appropriately.
  • All paid and unpaid staff are subject to rigorous recruitment procedures.
  • All paid and unpaid staff are given appropriate support and training.


School Commitment

Our staff at Fellside Community Primary School are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse because of the day to day contact with children and are committed to referring those concerns via the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) to the appropriate organisation, normally the Local Authority Children’s Social Care, contributing to the assessment of a child’s needs and, where appropriate, to ongoing action to meet those needs.

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