by Mrs Mitchell | Mar 2, 2023 | 3M, 7B (ARMS), Art, Computing, Reading, Writing
Today on World Book Day, we read a story of Billy’sBravery who wanted to go to school dressed as Nature Girl. It was our job to persuade him to do it and the children really did a great job doing it. They created their own superheroes and we read lots of stories. What...
by Mrs Mobberley | Feb 10, 2023 | 1M, Computing
We had lots of fun using the Beebots in Year 1, practising giving them commands and seeing how they travel. We described the directions of travel using forward, backward, left and right.
by Miss Salloway | Feb 7, 2023 | 2S, Computing, News, Online Safety
As part of Safer Internet Day, we read the story of ‘Hanni and the Magic Window’. As a class, the children discussed how they spend their time online and what they could do if they ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable online. The children then worked in groups to think...
by admins | Jan 19, 2023 | 4B, Computing, Curriculum, Subjects
In computing, we created and selected attributes to create a data base to find animals using yes or no questions.
by Mrs Stephenson | Jan 10, 2023 | 5A, 7B (ARMS), Computing, News
In Computing, Year 5 have began their new topic: ‘Video Editing’. This half term, we will be creating our own videos and learning how to manipulate and change them in order to suit our initial plans. Today, we looked at how videos are simply, moving...
by Mrs Mitchell | Dec 21, 2022 | 3M, 7B (ARMS), Computing, News, Online Safety
In 3M we took part in an interactive assembly with Google and Interland. We were joined by our local MP Liz Trust who reminded the children how important it is to be safe online. 3M nailed the challenges and knew exactly what to do in tricky situations...