Hello all Reception and year 1 parents,

In the absence of daily lessons of phonics in Reception and Year 1. I would like to introduce you to what I have been using with my child to teach her new sounds in the Read Write Inc way that we use in school. Mrs Suthers phonics lessons on Youtube are a brilliant way to learn and practise sounds at home. She follows the same way of reading and writing words as we do in school. Below are links to all of her videos and I have put them in the order of Read Write Inc so you can have a go. Each lesson is only about 15 mins long and you will need a pencil and paper for the writing section.

Click on the sound with the link which will take you to the video for that sound. Sit with your child and join in for 15 mins to encourage them during the lesson. Just do one a day. This is such an important time for your child’s reading and a great way to learn how we do our phonics in school. This will be really beneficial to introduce sounds for Reception children and review sounds for year 1.

Hope it helps a little,

Thanks, Mrs Mitchell

Set 2 sounds

  1. ay – may I play
  2. ee – what can you see?
  3. igh – fly high
  4. ow – blow the snow
  5. oo – poo at the zoo
  6. oo – look at a book
  7. ar – start the car
  8. or – shut the door
  9. air – that’s not fair
  10. ir – whirl and twirl
  11. ou – shout it out
  12. oy  – toy to enjoy


Set 3 sounds

  1. ea – cup of tea
  2. oi – spoil the boy
  3. a-e – make a cake
  4. i-e – nice smile
  5. o-e – phone home
  6. u-e – huge brute
  7. aw – yawn at dawn
  8. are – care and share
  9. ur – nurse with a purse
  10. er – better letter
  11. ow – brown cow
  12. ai – snail in the rain
  13. oa – goat in a boat
  14. ew – chew the stew
  15. ire – fire fire
  16. ear – hear with your ear
  17. ure – sure it’s pure



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