Forest School Fun

Forest School Fun

Lots of fun at forest school today. The weather was kind and the children were great. We started the session off with a conker hunt and had a wee bit of competition to see which team could collect the most. There was lots of teamwork going on. Children were learning...

Religious Worship

During this term the children have been exploring different aspects of religious worship. They have discussed how different religions  worship  through prayer, music and art. They listened and appraised a variety of music from different religions and  were able to...
Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

During this term the children have been learning about who Jesus was. They have been discussing the  many sides to Jesus and have been learning  that he was a Rabbi and he taught people through parables and that his healings and miracles became very well known. They...
Abstract Art at its Best!

Abstract Art at its Best!

Over the past few weeks the children have been learning about surrealism, magic realism and abstract art through the artist Joan Miro. They have studied a variety of paintings and sculptures, and discussed their ideas and opinions on his artwork. They then went on to...

Tu as un animal?

This term the children have been learning all about pets in French. They have also been adding the colour and names to the sentences. They have translated a French story. They used their skills with new vocabulary to help,  and  also used the pictures to give clues ...
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