Our curriculum is designed…
- To create a lively stimulating school where every individual is valued and to maximise the opportunities for intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical, aesthetic and social development within a caring, secure environment.
- To support pupils in order to achieve high academic and personal standards.
- To help pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds with the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves successfully to tasks, problem solving activities and physical skills.
- To develop within the individual a sense of self-respect, self-discipline and the capacity to live as an independent person, self-motivated and confident.
- To help pupils to understand the world in which they live and to develop the ability to contribute as a member of a co-operative group and to recognise their responsibility within a community.
- To help pupils to acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life, at home, at work, at leisure and as consumers and citizens in order to achieve maximum potential.
- To encourage the pupil to acquire values, attitudes and concepts which enable the individual to adapt to life in a fast changing world.
- To encourage a respect for all and an understanding of various religions and cultures present in our modern society.
- To develop an awareness and appreciation of human achievements, whilst recognising mankind’s place in the natural world and having an awareness of current and future challenges we face: climate change, population growth, demands on resources etc. Equipping our children with the skills and knowledge to innovate and meet future challenges underpins much of what we do.
- To deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum offering a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum with particular regard to the basic skills of numeracy and literacy.
- To provide adequate facilities for the development of physical skills and team games.
- To be aware of equal opportunities for all.
- The school offers a wide curriculum to meet present day demands and satisfies the statutory orders of the National Curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is taught to children in Nursery and Reception. From Year One children follow the National Curriculum. A Modern Foreign Language (French) is taught in Key Stage 2.