Our wrap-around care is provided by staff in the ‘Fellside Fun Club’, an external organisation who are nonetheless an integral part of our school.
Rachel and her staff provide supervision, breakfast and fun before school (from 7.50am) for all age ranges, including our nursery pupils.
After-school, children are offered a snack and the opportunity to socialise, play games, do activities or even their homework.
Closing at 5.50pm, the after-school club provides a popular and convenient source of childcare for working parents.
Fellside fun club information 2014 Fellside Fun Club Price Structure Jan 2014
Fellside Fun Club Policies and procedures 2012
Newsletter 15th Jan 2025
What happens when it is cold?
Reception investigated freezing and melting by making their own ice lollies!
Hancock Trip
What a fantastic day w have had at the Hancock Museum! We learned all about Greek soldiers and even got a chance to try on parts of the uniform. We were really shocked at how heavy all the kit was. Next, we had a trip to the planetarium- linked to our Science topic:...
Life Skills- How Do You Look After a Pet?
Computing- Repetition in Shapes using Programming
Greek Coil Pots Lesson 1
Today was our first lesson of our art and design unit. We were very excited to jump straight into using clay! We explored a range of techniques in order to shape our clay. We used: rolling, pinching, pulling, smoothing, carving, squeezing to name a few. We also used...