
These lovely booklets have been put together by our staff to try and help the children (and you) get ready for starting their new classes in September. The children will have talked about and, where possible, met with their new teachers and will have looked around the classrooms that will become theirs after the holidays.  We hope that by reading and sharing these booklets over the summer, you and your child will feel totally comfortable, happy and excited about starting back to school in September. Who knows the wonderful things that lie ahead? I hope that they are many and marvellous and that the academic year 2018-2019 is one of the best you, your child and RGPS have had.

EYFS Reception Parent Booklet
KS1 Parent Booklet Year 1
KS1 Parent Booklet Year 1/2
KS1 Parent Booklet Year 2
KS2 Parent Booklet Year 3


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