We have been learning about the story of Moses, his upbringing and his eventual exile from Egypt because of his actions. We have explored what type of character he was, how God chose him to be his messenger, but that he felt unworthy of the task. Through the stories we learned about the Ten Plagues and how the Israelites fled and couldn’t even wait for their bread to rise. We discovered that Moses parted the Red Sea in order to save the Israelites from the Egyptians and then become familiar with the preparations that Jewish people do to celebrate the festival of Pesach (Passover). We found out that Jewish people clean thoroughly and for a long time in the run up to Pesach in order to remove any traces of Chametz ( food which contains rising agents) and eat only unleavened bread during this time to remind themselves of the exodus of Israelites from Egypt. We had a taste of the matza which is part of the Seder Meal- some children likened it to crackers, and most of the children enjoyed it.



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