by Mrs Stephenson | Mar 12, 2020 | 2S, RE
In R.E, we were exploring the narrative of Palm Sunday. The children were planning an exciting visit from a Royal visitor!
by Mrs Stephenson | Mar 9, 2020 | 2S, Music, News
In music today, we were using our bodies to move to the rhythm of the music. Mrs Edmondson was particularly good!
by Mrs Stephenson | Mar 9, 2020 | 2S, Computing, News
Today, we have been using an application called Scratch. We have really enjoyed using our coding skills to create interactive characters of our own. This week, we managed to include some sound effects and attach our own recordings to our characters!
by Mrs Stephenson | Mar 6, 2020 | 2S, News, Reading, Writing
In key stage one we focused on the ‘Pea and the Princess’, which we found very funny as it was written from the Pea’s point of view! We had a fabulous day reading, writing, role playing and creating pieces of art about our book. Happy world book...
by Mrs Stephenson | Mar 4, 2020 | 2S, Art, News
We have been using different shading techniques to draw real life, natural objects. We are very proud of our masterpieces!
by Mrs Stephenson | Feb 28, 2020 | 2S, News, Science
In Science, we are looking at parts of our body. In year two, we managed to think of internal and external body parts. Our highlight was drawing round each other!