We make Viking bread!

We make Viking bread!

We made Viking bread this afternoon in year 4 and we loved it. The class went back for third, fourth and even fifth helpings! Quite a few of the children took home a copy of the recipe, so I hope to see photos of your bread if you decide to make it at home 🙂 We also...
Celebrating differences in year 4!

Celebrating differences in year 4!

This half term we have been celebrating differences in PSHE. We have been learning about how actions and words affect us and others’. We have done lots of discussion work about how to take care of other peoples’ feelings and to try to see things from their point of...
No pen day 2023!

No pen day 2023!

Year 4 really enjoyed ‘no pen day!’ In English, we had a spelling race then we described scenes from our class text. Each group stood at the front and described the scene using expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and the 5 senses. The rest of the...
Oriental museum

Oriental museum

Year 4 have had an amazing time at the Oriental museum in Durham today. We learned so much about the Ancient Egyptians! We took part in 4 interactive workshops, which included: A guided tour around the museum Handling of artefacts (we learned how to be real...
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